Wednesday, March 10, 2010

D.D Eatos


I can't seem to perfect running Eatos at all for some reason. The deck list seems good yet i simply can't adapt to running this strange deck.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Roads Underneath The Shining Stars

The TCG always seems to be so far behind the OCG in playing with the latest Ice Dragon. So while Trishula is wrecking havoc in the OCG across the ocean we can sleep safely that our opponent wont summon Trishula X times in one turn and remove any outs we may have had from play.

We are getting a pretty sweet new ocg toy soon though. And if you bothered to read the title of this post is Starlight Road.
Starlight Road

Activate only when an effect was activated that destroys 2 or more cards you control. Negate that effect and destroy that card. Then, you can Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck.

Before we analyze the Metagame changes that are about to be brought on by this beauty lets look at some of its draw backs.

-Needs to be 2 cards that are getting destroyed or you cant activate it.
-Not chainable to Cold Wave etc
-Cards need to be destroyed not "sent" to the grave.
-Can be stopped by Royal Oppression

Now the good parts of this card

-Stops most of the destruction effects in todays metagame (Icarus , JD , Saber Slash)
-Summons a Stardust if you so choose.
-Pisses your opponent off
-Allows you to over extend

The Verdict on this card.

Most decks should run 1, It's like a My Body s Shield, in most decks its just now worth running in multiples. There are a few decks that should run multiples of this card. These decks include D.D Eatos which needs to run a full play set. Enjoy Cosplaying Yusei with this card.